"Teacher, teacher... TV3 datang!!!"
My stouties kemain excited bile nampak sebuah kete TV3 dengan megahnya parking kat porch my skool. So it is official.... Santa Claus is coming to town...well sort of la... School Attack is coming to my skool this coming Monday.
Honestly, we teachers felt a little weird when our skool's name naik. Kenape skola2 yang so called elit and besau2 kat pontian or even kat Johor nih TV3 taknak g. But i guess it is our stouties' very late Christmas present. They totally deserve a break... an awesome break.
So ladies n gentlemen, stay tune to TV3 to check us out.
But most importantly, hari Isnin tak blaja. Yeaaaaayyyyy!!!!! (bole ke cikgu yang cakap cam tuh??) ngehngehngehngeh...