Ada orang cakap tk sesuai...ada yg cakap rasuah....ada yang cakap manjakan budak.... ada yang cakap membazir....dan pot pet pot pet lgla.
In spite of all those kaypohchi, kami geng skuad thn 6 2010 berjaya mengangkut 5 org murid yg berjaya mendpt 5A ke JB dan let them have fun...but not too much fun. ;) Cikgu nye pun tumpang sekaki release tensi! Terima kasih daun keladi to our GB for sponsoring RM***. Sgt gumbira... ;)
We did this promotion way back b4 the UPSR. So it is only right we keep our promises rite.
Left Pontian at 9am. The 5 VIP rode in the WISH milik Cg. Mohamad and we teachers rode in EXORA milik Kak Adah. Cruised to Skudai Parade to have several games of bowling. They had a great time. 4 of them never step into a bowling center before and probably will not step into it for a very long time.
Ada yg bolanye ke belakang...ada yg nk jatuh masuk lane..ada yg msk longkang memanjang...
Initially, we booked for one frame only. Tp bile tgk drg having so much fun, tk sampai hati pulak cg dia tgk. So we added another frame for them.
At noon, we had our lunch at KFC below. Bg kenyang dulu bebudak tuh baru tk byk kerenah.. Hehehe
Straight to UMall and booked 12 tickets for us. We were one day early for the Harry Potter trilogy. So we ended up watching the Megamind. Not bad at all. Laughing throughout the movie.
I did underestimate the cinema here. It was my second time stepping into UMall. My first time is the day before the trip to check the movie schedule for us. Tak pernah berhajat pun nak masuk sini. Hehe.. Tp, sgt suke cinemenye. Tak ramai org, seat selesa, exclusive juga and tiketnye sgt murah. Mcm harga student mase study at MMU and IPBA dulu. Sgt best. Adult RM7 and kids RM5. So so long City Square and Tebrau City Jusco yg sgt pack and expensive. Buhbye...
We reached Pontian soundly and safely at 5pm.
So come on calon2 UPSR next year... Next year, we teachers promise a more exciting and thrilling trip for 5A's holders. Cepat Cepat Siapa nak dia dapat... ;)
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
Friday, November 12, 2010
Birthday Blues...
For the past three weeks, my life was full of roller coster ride. Kene pg kursus yang tak perlu ada.... Result UPSR....Final Exam.... Menanda.....Sukan Tahunan yang tk kene rumah sukan.. Jamuan Tahun 6...ntah ape ntah lg.
I myself couldn't keep track with it.Ok let's recap..
1. A lill dissapointed with my school UPSR result.
2. Penat buat preparation for my perbarisan, and i ended up at 3rd place. Tahun depan rumah aku nak boikot perbarisan SUKAN TAHUNAN SK API-API. Taknak masuk ape2. Mampos la!! Pemarkahan yang very teruk, bias, tidak kreatif, kolot, sgt tua, konvensional dan tidak memikirkan titik peluh guru-guru dan murid.. Kalu dpt 2nd place pn, i'm quite ok with it. Aku sedar, kite tk bole nak senangkan hati sume org. Plus, as far as i know, i'm a very easily pleased person.(sendiri cakap tuh)
Yg paling sedih, bile dpt tau, initially, Merah got the last place. I'm not bragging or being a snob, but everyone can see that Merah was one of the best that day. Period. I asked one of the judges, and the 1st thing she said there was no bunga manggar. WTF!! Wat the helll. I almost cried when she said, she was the one who put us on the third place instead of the corot one.. Anyway thanx sbb tk letak ktrg tmpt corot. One thing about me which has been my weakness for a very long time is i'm a very calculative person (not in a bad way). aku mmg tk berkire. I dont mind about my money, time and energy spent. HOWEVER, if the result is so far from what i had expected, aku akan jd sgt berkire.
Pada rumah lain, tahun depan kalu nak menang jgn buat ape2 yg teruk2. Buat maskot yang pakai purdah bole menang. (No offence to this rumah)
3. Jamuan Tahun 6 yang tk abis3 kene tukar tarikh sbb ada org yg nak sume org ikut masa dia. Kite dah plan lame, tk pasal kene tukar sbb plan dia.. Porak peranda preparation kami... cancel order 4 everything.
After all these, my birthday was the last thing in my mind. I used to be very sad if my family and friends forgot my birthday. But now, rasenye dah smpi kat satu tahap yg dh tk kesah dah tentang birthday or whatsoever. Kalu tkde org ingt pun, at least i will sing myself my own birthday song...
12th November 2010.(7.20 a.m.)
I came to school as usual.. Ada beberapa murid aku yg dtg wish. Sometimes, my pupils astonished me. They would remember such a simple thing for years to come. I remember telling them my birthday in one of my lesson and they remember until now. Something that we adults are too lazy too do.. including me...
(8.40 a.m)
Masih tgh sedih pasal perbarisan. Tp kuatkan hati nak masuk kelas 5 P. Tanggungjawab masih tanggungjawab kan. Sempat kesat air mata masa nak naik tangga. Bile sampai depan library, i saw my stouties' shoes. But the library was very dark. Naluri seorang cikgu mestilah nak MARAH sbb ingt diorg suke duduk dlam gelap.. Macam aku dulu pn cam tu gak. Selagi cikgu tk masuk, selagi tula bergelap. Like teacher like stouties...
Aku pn masuk... kosong.. library tu kosong.Toleh kat bilik TV pn kosong.. Aikkk Mmg tk terlintas langsung yg diorg akan buat any surprise.. i was kinda strict with them lately. Then, terus diorg jumped out and sang me a birthday song... OMG!!! Nasib baik tk marah.. Sebenarnye dah berair dah mata..Tp cepat2 kesat..
To my 5 Pintar, thank you so much for putting a big smile on my face that day!
(Around 10 a.m.)
I was discussing wif Kak Ela pasal jamuan tahun 6.Tak abis2. My desk is actually opposite the main door. Nampak a few bebudak 6 P kat depan bilik guru termangu-mangu. Tu pun nak marah gak. Ingt diorg saje lepak2. Then, surprisingly, my whole 6P came in the staff room singing a birthday song for me with a yummy Season Cake and a teddy bear! Secara diorg nyanyi secara kuat!! OMG OMG OMG!! Bilik guru tgh penuh time tu. Sgt terharuuu...
Thank you for taking away my tears and my sadness for awhile. I am going to miss each one of you.. Best of luck for ur future and make the best of it. Wink Wink :*
I myself couldn't keep track with it.Ok let's recap..
1. A lill dissapointed with my school UPSR result.
2. Penat buat preparation for my perbarisan, and i ended up at 3rd place. Tahun depan rumah aku nak boikot perbarisan SUKAN TAHUNAN SK API-API. Taknak masuk ape2. Mampos la!! Pemarkahan yang very teruk, bias, tidak kreatif, kolot, sgt tua, konvensional dan tidak memikirkan titik peluh guru-guru dan murid.. Kalu dpt 2nd place pn, i'm quite ok with it. Aku sedar, kite tk bole nak senangkan hati sume org. Plus, as far as i know, i'm a very easily pleased person.(sendiri cakap tuh)
Yg paling sedih, bile dpt tau, initially, Merah got the last place. I'm not bragging or being a snob, but everyone can see that Merah was one of the best that day. Period. I asked one of the judges, and the 1st thing she said there was no bunga manggar. WTF!! Wat the helll. I almost cried when she said, she was the one who put us on the third place instead of the corot one.. Anyway thanx sbb tk letak ktrg tmpt corot. One thing about me which has been my weakness for a very long time is i'm a very calculative person (not in a bad way). aku mmg tk berkire. I dont mind about my money, time and energy spent. HOWEVER, if the result is so far from what i had expected, aku akan jd sgt berkire.
Pada rumah lain, tahun depan kalu nak menang jgn buat ape2 yg teruk2. Buat maskot yang pakai purdah bole menang. (No offence to this rumah)
3. Jamuan Tahun 6 yang tk abis3 kene tukar tarikh sbb ada org yg nak sume org ikut masa dia. Kite dah plan lame, tk pasal kene tukar sbb plan dia.. Porak peranda preparation kami... cancel order 4 everything.
After all these, my birthday was the last thing in my mind. I used to be very sad if my family and friends forgot my birthday. But now, rasenye dah smpi kat satu tahap yg dh tk kesah dah tentang birthday or whatsoever. Kalu tkde org ingt pun, at least i will sing myself my own birthday song...
12th November 2010.(7.20 a.m.)
I came to school as usual.. Ada beberapa murid aku yg dtg wish. Sometimes, my pupils astonished me. They would remember such a simple thing for years to come. I remember telling them my birthday in one of my lesson and they remember until now. Something that we adults are too lazy too do.. including me...
(8.40 a.m)
Masih tgh sedih pasal perbarisan. Tp kuatkan hati nak masuk kelas 5 P. Tanggungjawab masih tanggungjawab kan. Sempat kesat air mata masa nak naik tangga. Bile sampai depan library, i saw my stouties' shoes. But the library was very dark. Naluri seorang cikgu mestilah nak MARAH sbb ingt diorg suke duduk dlam gelap.. Macam aku dulu pn cam tu gak. Selagi cikgu tk masuk, selagi tula bergelap. Like teacher like stouties...
Aku pn masuk... kosong.. library tu kosong.Toleh kat bilik TV pn kosong.. Aikkk Mmg tk terlintas langsung yg diorg akan buat any surprise.. i was kinda strict with them lately. Then, terus diorg jumped out and sang me a birthday song... OMG!!! Nasib baik tk marah.. Sebenarnye dah berair dah mata..Tp cepat2 kesat..
To my 5 Pintar, thank you so much for putting a big smile on my face that day!
(Around 10 a.m.)
I was discussing wif Kak Ela pasal jamuan tahun 6.Tak abis2. My desk is actually opposite the main door. Nampak a few bebudak 6 P kat depan bilik guru termangu-mangu. Tu pun nak marah gak. Ingt diorg saje lepak2. Then, surprisingly, my whole 6P came in the staff room singing a birthday song for me with a yummy Season Cake and a teddy bear! Secara diorg nyanyi secara kuat!! OMG OMG OMG!! Bilik guru tgh penuh time tu. Sgt terharuuu...

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