Sunday, July 22, 2012

Perbarisan Rumah Sukan SK Api Api 2012

This year, my fellow Jebatan and I decided we're not going to do anything drastic for our rumah sukan. Yess, long story short... kami SANGAT malas tahun ni. We used all things from previous year for our perbarisan and our khemah. If you read an entry from long long time ago, u would know that i'm kinda.... what's the word...oh yess... i'm kinda sick of these marking criteria. Click here if you have no idea what i'm talking about.

Nevertheless, we abandon our ego for a while for the sake of the pupils. Tak sampai hati plak diorg tgk khemah and perbarisan rumah merah mcm tak diendahkan oleh cikgu sendiri. At the very least my colleague buat jugaklah. walaupun tak segah mana pun. I learnt my lesson. Tak payah beriya-iya sangat..bukan menang pun. Haahaaha So pessimistic!!

So this is how we looked like this year... Enjoice peeepss..


Last year's mascot. I did it myself with of course some help from Mr Google himself.


Go Abg Jebat!!!!




Rumah Hang Lekiu. Theme : Desert.. i think...hihi



Our grand winner this year.... Rajin cikgu rumah ni.. tak mcm kami...hehehe ps: nampak tak jaws tu makan tangan org... very creative... salute toing toing toing

So smart kan. Mereka bolot perbarisan and Juara Keseluruhan. Congrats!!




You know what's funny. Jebat came out third for our perbarisan and our khemah. Klakar kan. Ingt dapat corot. Beriya-iya pun third place. Tak buat ape2 pun third place. So which way will Jebat go next year? No one knows. Tapi dh ada idea for next year. So we have to wait n see.. Btw, TQ pada siapa2 yg berkenaan.
Until next year. out.

Saturday, July 21, 2012

Let's honding!!

Haha... i just invented a new verb..

Sorry... haven't paying much and needed attention to this blog. Poor u.. It's been a while since my last post.

Last month, i dragged my mom to accompany me to service Jemoq at the new service centre in Jalan Pt. Bilal in BP. So, how did I find the new service centre? Let me feed ur eyes first...

Not as big as JB's. But i must say, it is much much much better than the previous one in Bukit Pasir. Thumbs up!!


Can u see Jemoq??


Let me zoom.. Dont be fooled by the two white hondas. Cant afford those. Jemoq yang kat belakang skali tu.. waiting to be washed.. oopps lupe nk cakap. here... car wash is FOC!!!! i like i like i like..



Waiting area is a bit dissapointing. For customer who doesnt drop her car and goes shopping like me, urggghhhh i hate it. They should provide more comfortable seats for customers who wait for their cars...away from the counter. Tak payah la nak tgk muka service advisor for hours... Ni sbbb terkene kat batang hidung sendiri..

So what's the conclusion?

I did not have a great time there as much as i thought i will have. I had to wait for almost 4 hours for Jemoq to be completed compared to 2 hours in Bukit Pasir. Maybe they are still adapting to the new place. but... come on larrr.. looks like i have to consider JB for my next service.

Honda BP, better luck next time... peace..