Well, who doesn't love them rite? i've always had a thingy for guys in white. especially in a good old & clean white shirt.. i still remember how Brendan Fraser looked so fine riding the horse in !@#$%^&*()!@#$%^&*. Sorry i promised someone not to talk about that movie ever again.

Why is it that i find it incredibly hard to find a decent guy passing me by with a decent, pressed and most importantly clean white shirt on???
Maybe they are afraid that we might see and find any unappropriate meat underneath..
Maybe white is the new pink for them... who knows?
Maybe they are just too lazy to keep it clean all the time..
Well guys, it's about time.. i highly recommend a clean, pure and casual white shirt is a must in ur wardrobe.. They are always appropriate and do always look good on you no matter what size u are or how straight u r..
Just like this one...

Actually, just finished watching Rafa blistered Soderling in his face.. and he did it in style in all white assemble.. he looks great btw..
Wimbledon Final.. here we come!!
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