Just dropping by....
The weekly assembly went well today. I managed to speak without any big blunders and too many aaaaa, aaaaa and aaaaaaa. I just babbled about the Earth Hour most of it (Thank God for the Earth Hour)..
I'm looking forward to a more lean back week ahead. A week for myself...to reminisce...about .... d'COMET.
Monday, March 29, 2010
Friday, March 26, 2010
Theme : The end of the much "anticipated" Minggu Bertugas
Supposely, next week baru my turn to "bertugas". But when a colleague of mine approached me to switch our turns, i said yes hesitantly. Tak sampai hati lak bile die ckp die ade byk kerje this week. I'm actually ok with it. Even though, there are so many things to do this week such as:
To do list:
1. Settle my Year 6P's report cards.(UPPM 1 and their monthly test result). Those stouties dah pandai tanye mane report cards a.k.a. Buku Adab dorang.."Teacher, mane Buku Adab ktrg? Kan test hari tu dah lame?" DUUSSHHHH.. Berani budak2 skang kan... Dulu nak borak manje2 skit ngan cikgu pn dah mengigil kapla lutuk... Ni bole tk tanya mcm tanya kawan...
2. To mark my pupils' books (3 classes) English 1 , English 2, English 3, Workbook A and Workbook B... (tu la dulu mase awal tahun, cikgu lain buat 2 buku, ko terlebey rajin suh budak sediakan 3 buku.. Naaaahhh amik ko!!!)
3. To settle my panitia's work.... my Year 6 skuad's work...and everything else.
So dipendekkan cite, i am in charge this week. Nasib baik, in an academic year, we only have to be in charge twice. i envy teacher from bigger school. I was informed dorang hanya bertugas once a year.... Hmmmm so sweett (marah sebenarnye).
Actually, there are 2 things that i hate the most while bertugasing. Firstly,
I am blessed to be posted to the school 4 minutes away from my house. The bell is at 7.20. So i step on my accelarator at 7.12... every day... every single day.. But one thing yg bagus mase bertugas ni.. Mr. Kar dapat tempat berteduh for 6 hours.. Sian dia asik kene panas jerr.
Secondly, (mcm buat karangan on How to bake a cake kan... ) ;)
Sejak azali, public speaking is not my forte... Some people were born with it... I am one of the people who has to fight for it.. I guess Allah forgot to include the ability to 'public speaking' in my package. Heehhheheh
Dont worry, guys.. i'll work on it. Wish me luck.. i hope i will pull it 2gether. i'll update on how it goes k...
Until then, take care n muaxx...
Psssst I miss ya.... ;*
To do list:
1. Settle my Year 6P's report cards.(UPPM 1 and their monthly test result). Those stouties dah pandai tanye mane report cards a.k.a. Buku Adab dorang.."Teacher, mane Buku Adab ktrg? Kan test hari tu dah lame?" DUUSSHHHH.. Berani budak2 skang kan... Dulu nak borak manje2 skit ngan cikgu pn dah mengigil kapla lutuk... Ni bole tk tanya mcm tanya kawan...
2. To mark my pupils' books (3 classes) English 1 , English 2, English 3, Workbook A and Workbook B... (tu la dulu mase awal tahun, cikgu lain buat 2 buku, ko terlebey rajin suh budak sediakan 3 buku.. Naaaahhh amik ko!!!)
3. To settle my panitia's work.... my Year 6 skuad's work...and everything else.
So dipendekkan cite, i am in charge this week. Nasib baik, in an academic year, we only have to be in charge twice. i envy teacher from bigger school. I was informed dorang hanya bertugas once a year.... Hmmmm so sweett (marah sebenarnye).
Actually, there are 2 things that i hate the most while bertugasing. Firstly,
I am blessed to be posted to the school 4 minutes away from my house. The bell is at 7.20. So i step on my accelarator at 7.12... every day... every single day.. But one thing yg bagus mase bertugas ni.. Mr. Kar dapat tempat berteduh for 6 hours.. Sian dia asik kene panas jerr.
Secondly, (mcm buat karangan on How to bake a cake kan... ) ;)
Sejak azali, public speaking is not my forte... Some people were born with it... I am one of the people who has to fight for it.. I guess Allah forgot to include the ability to 'public speaking' in my package. Heehhheheh
Dont worry, guys.. i'll work on it. Wish me luck.. i hope i will pull it 2gether. i'll update on how it goes k...
Until then, take care n muaxx...
Psssst I miss ya.... ;*
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Theme : My 'Must Have List' this month
Rasenye mcm dh lame tk terabur duitz-duitz kt shopping complex..Selalunya cuma jalan sambil air liur meleleh tgk kat display glass jerr..hehehe
Actually dah lame mengidam nakkan sume bende2 ni. So i have to brace myself... i will burn a hack of a hole in my purse this year.. So Dear Miss ELLEie, i promise i will patch u back with some new green notes k..
Hold ur breath...
Ok. Ladies n gentlemen. May i present to u...
No. 1 Must Have This Year :
Midnight Fantasy by Britney Spears. Clishe, rite? Another fragrance from our Miss Spears is so last year. Believe me, as much as i dont want to donate another penny to her wealth, i have been hearing gud reviews about this fragrance. So why not rite?

Yg ni plak mmg kene beli kut. Kenape? Sbb cable my Samsung dh ilang. So tk abis2 kene dgr ringtone lagu I Could Get Used To This from The Veronicas. Mcm nak marah jerr kalu dgr ringtone tu.Tp kene tgk jgk warna notes yg ada kt dalam Miss ELLEie dulu.heheheh. Kalu warna notes hijau tu sgt ciput, terpaksa kite tuka pada yg ini... :(
At least muke diorg lebey kureng sama kan.. Dah bagus i tk beli Blueberry. ;)
Actually dah lame mengidam nakkan sume bende2 ni. So i have to brace myself... i will burn a hack of a hole in my purse this year.. So Dear Miss ELLEie, i promise i will patch u back with some new green notes k..
Hold ur breath...
Ok. Ladies n gentlemen. May i present to u...
No. 1 Must Have This Year :

No. 2 Must Have This Year :

Yg ni plak mmg kene beli kut. Kenape? Sbb cable my Samsung dh ilang. So tk abis2 kene dgr ringtone lagu I Could Get Used To This from The Veronicas. Mcm nak marah jerr kalu dgr ringtone tu.Tp kene tgk jgk warna notes yg ada kt dalam Miss ELLEie dulu.heheheh. Kalu warna notes hijau tu sgt ciput, terpaksa kite tuka pada yg ini... :(

Last but surely not least my Must Have this year is:
Taaaaaaaarrrrraaaaaaa... ;)A sneak preview of my baby. He's very shy. i will introduce him to everyone soon k... hehheeh (dalam keadaan separa sedar dan sgt berangan) ;)
Monday, March 15, 2010
Theme : Nyebelin nyebelin
Arrrgggggh @#$%!@#$%^&*@#$%^&*(!@#$%^&*
Another day full of angst, frustration and disapppointment.
I cant believe u managed to slit me without even trying... (clap clap clap)
U know what, the most frustrating thing is that i let u do it to me... again..n again.
However, do know that this post is only directed to an idiot that I’ve met and had to deal with my whole life.
May u rest in peace..... NOT!!
Another day full of angst, frustration and disapppointment.
I cant believe u managed to slit me without even trying... (clap clap clap)
U know what, the most frustrating thing is that i let u do it to me... again..n again.
However, do know that this post is only directed to an idiot that I’ve met and had to deal with my whole life.
May u rest in peace..... NOT!!
Sunday, March 7, 2010
Theme : UPPM 1
I was quite happy that 6 of my stouties were able to score A 4 my paper. but i have a long way to go. This year marks my first year handling Year 6 pupils.
As Uncle Ben said, "With great powers, come great responsibility". (i cnt believe i just quoted from Spiderman film)yikesss
I am really proud of them. Why? They've also came from a long and winding road. I still remember how each one of those kids were struggling to construct even simple sentences when i took over their class last year.
6 made it.. Another thousand life to go.. heheheh poyo.. ;)
ppsssttt.... i miss u ;)
As Uncle Ben said, "With great powers, come great responsibility". (i cnt believe i just quoted from Spiderman film)yikesss
I am really proud of them. Why? They've also came from a long and winding road. I still remember how each one of those kids were struggling to construct even simple sentences when i took over their class last year.
6 made it.. Another thousand life to go.. heheheh poyo.. ;)
ppsssttt.... i miss u ;)
Theme : To forgive and forget...
"You will know that forgiveness has begun when you recall those who hurt you and feel the power to wish them well." Lewis B. Smedes
Im not that person n i cant never wish u well.
Can i forgive if i can't forget?..sorry :(
Im not that person n i cant never wish u well.
Can i forgive if i can't forget?..sorry :(
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