After all the ups and down......
After all the good and the not so good times....
I'm done.....
It's time to say goodbye

:( :( :(
Kalau ikut hati, mmg berat nk lepaskan dia, tp kene jugak. Maintenance fees will be out of this world if i keep both cars. Kununnye nak tukar2 kete tiap2 hari g sekulah. Nampak gayenye, niat tu akan dibuang dan lgsg tk valid selama-lamanye.
Memang banyak memori dalam kereta ni. Let's recap balik on our history together, where it all started. I started using this car if i'm not mistaken 2004 when i was studying at MMU. Really surprised when my dad let me drive it on campus that year. My driving skill was so-so at that time after an embarrasing accident which i rather not talk bout rite now ;b My skills improved tremendously after so many Malacca-Pontian journeys. Once in a fortnite was a compulsory cue for me.
"You never really learn to swear until you learn to drive" ~Author Unknown
Swearing? Itu sudah pasti..Lagi2 dgn Malaccan drivers.. Jgn mare ye org Melaka. Tp from my experiences driving back n forth at JB, KL, Melaka and Kuantan, i suppose i am a bit intimidated by Malaccan drivers. Tabik spring sbb mereka sgt gah dan berani bile drive. Toing Toing Toing.
My gals and i, masing2 memasang angan-angan nak letak microphone kt dlm kereta. Sbb setiap kali ktrg mencarut dan marah driver lain, kitorang yg tergelak sendiri. Kunun ada cita2 nak jd road bully dan kadang-kadang tk sedar terkeluarkan jari tengah , tp bile driver lain tu bukak tingkap skit jer, semua terus pandang depan, kaki menggigil dan terus buat2 tk tau.

Patut pun org cakap the 1st cut is the deepest. I scarred dis rear door while battling to get out of a very tiny miny parking lot at Jusco Taman U. Kemek dibiarkan selama beberapa tahun kerana malas nak g ketuk. So what i do? I put on some cellotape at the kemek area to avoid being rusty. Inovatif tak? Hehehe Pssstt Pesanan kepada semua bakal2 pengkemek kete: Letak selotape sgtla tidak berkesan, air tetap masuk dan tmpt tu masih berkarat. Tapi dia melambatkan sikit proses pengkaratan... :) Selamat Mencuba.

Among other lovebites on my car...
Ini yang akan terjadi bile anda parking kat bawah pokok setiap hari. Parking kt porch rumah sewa mengamalkan 1st come 1st served. Satu rumah sampai 3 kete. So we will race home rite after class. Looks like my inner Sebastian Vettel was definitely not doing his job properly sbb asik dapat parking luar jerrr. ;(

i never thought i would feel emotional about being apart from this budak hijau. My mom dah pesan suruh duduk dalam kete and say thank you to it. Carress it and thank it for the very last time. Masa my mom suruh, sempat lg gelakkan dia sbb my mom is a very emotional person and sort of a Neng Yatimah in our family. She will do that to each of our previous family car. I remember, she even cried in our Ford once. It has been my ultimate joke for her. But when i sat for the very last time, there was this rush. So my mom was rite. i felt really terrible about joking about dis. Dah kene di muke sendiri baru tau kan sedih ke tak.
So thank you budak ijau...
Thank you for your great comfort...
Thank you for being there in every big step in my life...
Thank you for never breaking down in the middle of the road...
Thank you for not being so fussy....
Thank you for saving me a lot of sweat... ;)
Thank you for camouflaging me...
Thank you for being a video clip car... Ni kes byk berangan ni kunun2 superstar nyanyi dlm kete di tepi pantai.
So, from the bottom of my heart.. Thank you again.. I'm gonna miss u so much.. Be good to ur new Yana k. Muah Muah.
Kepada tuan punye baru,
Hamba minta maaf. Looks like you're going to see my lovebites for the rest of ur life... Tolong jaga budak ijau ni baik2 k. He was really special to me and maybe he will to you too. I miss him alreadyy..
Goodbye, dear

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