Maksudnya ada exactly 31 hari nak kabulkan semua My Must-Have-List utk 2010. Tinggal my baby jer belum beli. Nak tgk calon2 my baby? Click cni.
Patutla org cakap, kalu plan mmg tk jadi or at least tk jadi2 lagi for me. Bestnye kalu boyfy ada SM kat pangkal depan nama dia. Sure bole shopping online je kalu nk shop for new car. Tak payah sibuk2 buat kajian online dan mintak brochure pada salesman kete bile jumpe kat mall. Pastu dapat muke seposen sbb tk beli jugak kete dia.
Minta2 dpt book sblm thn ni abis. The reason why i took wayy too long to buy my future baby is my dad. Rasenye dia lg excited nak beli. So berbagai idea dia bg. He totally dig the European cars instead of the Japanesa n Korean cars.
At first, bermati2an dia suruh beli the new Peugeot 207. Dont get me wrong. i love Peugeot. Once, my friend, Ijah drove her dad's 407 to campus and she really looked good in it. The moment i got into it, it was love at first sight for me. The feeling was indescribable. Mmg rugged and kayo. heheheh But that was 407. The 207 really didn't impress me with its look. Mmg takde kimia dan fizik antara kami. the feelings are mutual. i really hate the rear doors. Uggghhhhh.. The nice touch is we Malaysian got the Peugeot logo instead of NAZA. Abg2 SM, tolong la ubah pintu belakang tuh...sgt burukkkk!!!
Setelah buat muke pakau @ poker face dan konon2 ada sms masuk setiap kali my dad sebut Peugeot, akhirnya dia paham yg i really hate that car. Dia mule give in..
But now, dia dh start baik. Pijak je kaki kat rmh, terus tunjuk brochure baru.
"Ayah rase Yana patut beli yg ini"
What now? "Kan kite plan nk pg book my baby the day after tomorrow. Kan, kan ayah kan" kene sebut dgn nada kesian.
Dia tunjuk ini pulak...

Arggghhh, tk suke perasaan ini. Sbb i am very famous as a person who change her mind very quickly even after a confirmed decision.. Arrrggghhh cantek gak kan yg ini...
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