Saturday, May 28, 2011

Being a tourist at my own land...

A little teaser.





My family and 1 spent our weekend chilling at The Zone JB and acted like the perfect tourists from Singapore fumbling around shopping. Well obviously, it did not work at all. At least we tried..

Si Kecik yg tak berapa nak kecik ni sibuk nak tag along. So we brought her along reluctantly.

You guys must be wondering rite. Ape kejadah pg hotel yg sekangkang musang je dari rumah. Jawapannye sbb ianya FREE. FYI, my parents baru sahaja bergelar Pemencen Tetap. Yes, they're officially off the hook. Dah jadi retiree sepenuh masa after more than 30 years being cikgus.. Bile la giliran kite plak nak pencen ni kan ? So diorg dpt complimentary stay at two hotels. So there we were.

Coming soon.. Pulai Spring Resort .....Jom cutisss