Saturday, February 14, 2015

My Herbalife Journey 2.0

Ola guys,
Its been a while rite.. i think my last post was exactly a year ago.. omg.

Nothing much happened...except i lost some ehemm ehemm weight last year.. yeayyy... that was the gud news. The bad news is I also gain back some of the weight back..hahah clishe rite.

I didnt record my journey last year. So since i gain back some of the weight, why not tell the whole wide world so that i will not cheat ever again. Quite a big step and quite a big responsibility. Tomorrow marks my first Herbalife journey 2.0. The 1.0 version was on my personal diary. Im going to report tu u guys out there what i will eat n consume n melantak each day. Plus i will report my weight daily...wuhuhhu... i still havent made up my mind on that.

Ive been a 'big' gal since as long as i can remember. I dont even recall being skinny... ever. Growing up as a big gal ... u will have to endure lots, i mean LOTS of staring n mocking. Not only from stranger but even ur friends n family. I remember my self esteem was so low that i used to think about other people's opinion all the time. What would people think if i took a bus.. if i wore that outfit... if i ate that meal.. so exhausting.

My parents esp my mom was very persistent when it comes to asking me to lose weight. Ayat yg slalu dia ckp. "Kuruskan badan, nanti bole kawin" hahahaaa ... being the usual Yana, I will answer back "Takpe bu. Yana nk cari suami yg terima Yana mcm ni. Pastu br Yana kuruskn badan".  Last2  serve me rite.. mom is always rite. :( susah kan nk cari lelaki mcm tu..

However, dont get me wrong. I will not take on this quest just to find my other half. Ive come to a certain stage in my life that im quite ok with me being single. Im happy with my life rite now. If it is stated in Luh Mahfuz that i will be single all my life, i will make the best of it. I can take care of myself. I love my work. I love my stouties to the moon n back. And most importantly I can take care of my parents exclusively. I can berbakti for them until their or even my last breath.

But finding Mr ehem ehem during my quest would be icing on the cake rite.. hehehe.

l lost up to 30 kg last year. But gain back almost 10 kg back. I was the happiest during that period of time. But since september i kind of lose myself n motivation. So i better buck up... n pump up for my 2.0 quest. Wish me luck.. i will report my daily food intake n also my weight loss everyday.. see ya... xoxo


  1. Salam perkenalan hana.. Sya Ain tgh mencari maklumat ttg holowen mask tu.. Trjmpa blog awk ni.. Boleh sya tau beli kt mana mask cermin mata + hidung tu.. Kdai cina mna ya..Rasa2 ada lg tak jual ya..sbb sya tgk post awk tu masa skn 2013.. Sbb sya cr kt cowboy xde.. Kt pontian x cr ritu blk kg skjp.. Hope dpt feedback.. Tq

    1. Hi..sory lmbt reply. Kedai cina tu dekat dgn jpj pontian. Msk kt traffic light econsave. Kedai tu on ur left. If im not mistaken kedai stationery borong tu sebelah kedai makan cina. Jumpa kedai tu dulu br jumpe jpj. Tp tk sure la ada jual lg ke tk. But bole tny kt apek tu kut. If anything u can always contact me.
