Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Moment of Truth...UPPM 2

Pre-UPPM 2
UPPM 2 started on Tuesday. Tomorrow will be my papers. Goosebumps all over my body. Ntah kenapa mulai sekarang sume cheegu tkleh tgk question papers until the day paper tu diadakan.

For me, i dont really mind bout it. so it didn't make any difference 4 me..

Post-UPPM 2
It was a tough papers, esp Paper 2.. Sighh... The level was a bit high 4 my stouties.. Sian dorang.. They even had a difficult time in the information transferring. Satu benda yg masih jd seven wonders in MY head is "kat kelas si kenit2 ni bole buat, tp bile pekse...HAMPEHHH". Jumpa je any twisted and crazeee Q's, terus kene Alzheimer n sume ayat jadi Bahasa Zimbabwe...

- UPPM 1 : 6 kenits dpt A
- UPPM 2 : 5 kenits jerrr (sigh)...tkleh jadi ni.. bersemangat!! bersemangat!!

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Unleash my inner rapper..

Last week, had a blast wif Ct n Kak Long at Malacca. Nisa couldn't make it. So it's just the three of us. Had a great deal at Hotel Johan. Jgn gelak tau. First time dgr name tu pn nak tergelak gak. Tp bile dah masuk.. Satisfaction guaranteed.. berselisih bahu jerr dgn Mahkota Parade n Dataran Pahlawan...sgt dekat.. sgt sesuuuaaii dengan shopper junkie cam ktrg nih.

As for me, i really need a break from my work and stouties. Bukan tension or whatsoever. It's just something i need to boost my morale back. We really ronggenging there. Sampai jerr trs karok..ape lg.. Sorang2 pn keluarkan bakat2 yang tk berapa nak terpendam... From Lady Gaga sampai jd Chester L.P. Syok gak rapping...walaupun bunyinye jd mcm orang semput 40 hari 40 malam..huhu

Then at midnite, movie time!! But for the 1st time, i slept throughout the movie.. mmg takleh bawak g majlis tul la. Sebelum ni pernah gak terlelap cam mase tgk the last Harry Potter. Tapi ni mmg kes hampeh.. Maybe i was tired driving all the way from Johore and sbb kene g skool dulu that morning.. Wanna know what movie that we watched?

Jeng Jeng Jeng... presenting... movie of the year for sleepy heads like me goes to...

I wishhh... I think my eyes will be wide open to see Kevin Costner.. so hawt.. Unfortunately, it's the other Robin Hood. So pardon me.. i can't give review bout the movie cos i actually didn't see the movie at all.. i mean at all.. what i can say is the seat was pretty comfyy.. ;) huhuhu

Anyway, thanx Kak Long n Ct for the great escape.. can't wait for our next trip..

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Cheegu's Day 2010

  • This year marks my third year as a teacher... my third year celebrating 16th of May. Mcm biasa, tarikh tu never fail untuk buat seorang insan yang bergelar guru rasa sgt dihargai.. including yours truly nih..
  • Kalau difikirkan balik, CIKGU tak pernah pun masuk list my cita-cita sejak dulu lagi.. Kalau ditanya, "What's ur ambition/dream?"..Mesti dengan bangganye i jawab doktor, loyar dan juga tidak ketinggalan nak kawin dengan Justin Timberlake n Nick Carter.. ;)
  • Nampaknye, setelah diketuk oleh sebiji batu, kenalah buang jauh2 impian nk jd seorang neonatal surgeon macam Addison Montgomery or seorang D.A. mcm Helen Gamble kan. Yang bab kawin tu plak..masih bole lg kan? Hahaha
  • Actually, i guess teaching has been in my blood since forever. I can still remember how i felt really happy when i helped my friends in their studies when we're in skool. Can't really describe the feeling. Although i was not the straight A's kind of student, to make a friend understand a little lesson would be HUGE for me.

So, why 16th of May means a lot to me? This is why...

"Ya Allah, panjangkanlah umurnya dan murahkan rezeki Cikgu Haryana... Amin"

No grammatical error... Yeay!!! Ciayok..Ciayok..

(tp urup besar urup kecik dia taram aje.. nak kene ni)

Thank u my dear stouties.... These gifts, thoughts and luv mean the WORLD to me ;)

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Celebrating the pillar of my life

Thank you for being the so-called great critique...
Thank you for your neverending nag...
Thank you for your screeeeching/annoying yell...
Thank you for disturbing my peaceful sleep every morning...

but most importantly,
Thank you for being a great companion...
Thank you for being a great listener when i need someone to pour my heart to...
Thank you for reminding me to be a greater me..
Thank you for defending me no matter what..
Thank you for reminding me that i deserve the best in my life..
Thank you for trying ur best to make my tears go away..
Thank you for being YOU.
So i thank you for allowing me to have you..

Happy Mother's Day, IBU ;)