Hari ini dalam sejarah...
This is the first time I was late for work..
People say there will always be a first time rite..
Every weekdays, my alarm goes off at 5.00 and 5.30 a.m.. As usual i will be half awake to prepare myself to be fully awake. Haaha
Then, my alarm will go off again at 6.00, 6.15 and 6.30 (in case i sleep like a log).Hehe
Today, my alarm successfully went off at 5.00 and 5.30 a.m. and I've successfully half woken up and i continue to sleep again... konon nak tidur2 ayam jerr.
And then, at 5.57 a.m, my phone died. i forgot to recharge it last nite. So i continue sleeping like a happy log until..........................
until 9.00 a.m!!!!
Bloody hell. Ooopss.. Bangun dengan sangat terkejut. Tengok luar dah terang giler... semacam je terang dia. Tgk hp, hp dh mati abis. My mind froze at that moment. Eh, hari apa ni? Sabtu ke Jumaat. (berdoa kalau la hr Sabtu). Then i saw my hanged baju kurung which i ironed last nite. Then, it hit me... OMG!!!
I have a Year 3 class at that time. As quick as a lightning, i charged my hp and called my best fren, Kak Adah who happens to be a new Pemangku GPK 1 this week. I asked her what to do. Should I get a MC or a CRK? She laughed and asked me to go to school asap.
Then, terus g mandi. I arrived at school at 9.40 a.m and went straight to my Year 6 class. Muke confident je msuk klas.
Jenuh kene gelak ngan sume cikgu lepas tuh... tapi hari ni saya balik lambat. konon nak bayar balik 2 jam lambat. Tapi lepas setengah jam... arrgggh MALAS... Saya balik dulu... Minta maaf kawan2... minta maaf murid2... cikgu anda bersalah...
giloo tu bgn kul 9.... pehhh... sib baik kamceng gpk... lawok laa cite ko ni yana... hahaha
ReplyDeleteHahaha... nasib baik GB aku baru je bersara Selasa lepas... timing aku nak buat dajal mmg tepat.
Deletedahsyat... paling lambat aku pernah bangun lambat pun 7.30.. tu pun mujur takde klas pagi. hohoho.. u know what, sometimes I'll put far enough for me to reach the phone but I could still hear the alarm rings in the morning. Tu la sebabnya takmo jadi kejadian konon 5-minit-je-pejam tapi terlajak sampai ntah pukul berapa.. hehehe..