Driving in Spore is a lill bit tricky. Memang leceh sikit if you guys ada nawaitu nak bwk kete msk spore. Dulu masa start drive dulu, asik mengelak je if my mom wanted me to drive. Takut... After a while, i got the hang of it.
Any foreign cars yg nk msk Spore, there are a few to things to bear in mind.
First, passport!! Make sure the expiry date is no less than 6 months from the day you want to enter spore.
Next, white cards. It looks something like this.
(Pic milik tuan punye blog as stated)
Kalau dulu, masa di kastam johor yg lama. Ada org duduk tepi jalan bole tuliskan. Bayar kat dia masalah settle. Tapi sekarang dah takde. So, minta white card ni pd member or relative yg ada. Last resort, u guys terus minta cards tu di kaunter imigresen spore. Tapi leceh la. Kite kene isi borang tu dlm kete dan ada berduyun-duyun kete tunggu belakang kete kite. A lill bit menekan jiwa n raga la. Tapi for those yg selalu msk spore on regular basis macam yours sincerely ini, u guys bole ask for the white cards at the spore counter on your way out. Lepas dia cop cop passport tu, mintak je white cards dgn dia. Tapi selalunya dia bg cume 5 jer. Agak kedekuts diorg ni. Kalau nk mintak je lebih.
And one more thing, masa masuk. Lepas dia bg passport balik pd kite, u guys better check again. for this...
Keratan ni officer tu akan tinggalkan dlm passport kita. Diorg amik the other keratan. Check dulu sblm drive away. Once, my dad punye hilang. Perasan masa nak keluar spore. Sgt leceh. Kena turun naik office and jumpe mcm org. So after that, my family learnt our lesson.
Third, Autopass! It is something like Touch n go. Tapi canggih skit. Sbb dia tk boleh berpindah milik. Satu kete satu autopass. Takleh tukar2. Setiap kali kita renew roadtax, kite kene update di office diorg. Leceh kan. You are suppose to enter the card into the card reader at the counter on ur way in and out. So they will have record of ur vehicle coming in n out of spore. So if anything happen, they have record. Something, we Malaysian haven't done yet.

If you do not own this, just drive along the RED LANE after the counter. Look carefully for the RED LANE, coz if u miss it, then u have to settle it on ur way out. The red lane was very tricky, so keep ur eyes open. It costs SG$10. It has SG$4 in it. So u have to top it up at the nearest 7 eleven. Kalau masuk spore masa weekend n public holiday, harga dia murah skit. Tapi kalu masuk masa weekdays, pergghh memang cekik darah diorg ni. Sekali masukkan kad, kalu tk silap SG$20. So kalu pegi balik dah SG$40. Tu blm convert to RM. So korang kira sendiri. Btw, nak bgtau kalau foreign cars nak msk Malaysia pulak cuma RM2.80(Touch n go). See the difference???
So nak dijadikan cerite. Cite yg agak dh lapuk. It happened bout 2 weeks ago. My nenek sedara passed away and my mom and I quickly turun sana. My dad was not feeling well so it was just the two of us.
Masa masuk, I entered the card into the card reader. Selalunya, ia akan display balance and tulis Transaction Successful. Tapi hari tu, dia tak keluar ape2. Just blank. And the officer in the booth didn't say anything. So, i thought maybe the machine had gone haywire la. So I ignored it. Tak masuk pun Red Lane nak check ke ape. So we spent a nite there at my aunt's in Tampines.
The next day, on our way out. i entered the card again. Now, baru keluar error. So the officer asked me to go to the office to check. Sblm tu mintk white cards dulu. Heheh
I thought the prob sbb my road tax nk mati lagi 2 hari. Tapi bile tanya kat kakak kat office tu. Dia kata I tak keluar spore dari bulan september. Dia kata balance tak cukup dalam kad. She said I have to pay SG$1,450.00 ++. *Palmface!! Hah!!! You are %$#*&^% kidding me. Dalam wallet ada SG$200++.
So tak bole jd ni. Ni bukan salah aku. Last I went to spore was in September to distribute my bro's wedding invitations. Tak pernah pulak la tk masuk Autopass tu setiap kali kitrg keluar masuk spore. So i explained to akak tu that mmg i ada masukkan kad. Nasib baik la kakak tu pun reasonable gak la. Dia tanya ada tak black n white cakap kite dah keluar spore time tu. Nak black n white ape lg. Passport kan ada. That is my proof. So dia pun settlekan gak. Dia pesan lain kali kalu kad reader tu blank atau tulis error, cepat2 masuk office.
Last last, kitrg kene bayar SG$30 for compensation. Duit Malaysia dh nk dekat RM80. Tak pasal2 duit melayang hari tu. Kalau salah sendiri tak kisah sgt la. Ini card reader tu punye pasal.
Balik Malaysia, marah marah sambil drive sambil swearing sambil berbangga jd anak Malaysia. Malaysians, we are not rip offs.